Business Lines

Faraday writes business across a range of markets and classes where we have a strong, practical understanding of risks. We lead on many of these risks and are confident in the knowledge and experience of our specialist teams.

The lines listed below are insured through Faraday Syndicate 435 at Lloyds. Our underwriting leaders value and practise proven underwriting disciplines, but are equally open to developing new and bespoke ideas.

Each underwriting team is supported by embedded claims specialists. This enhances the speed of our decision-making in writing business and handling claims.

Faraday’s consistent, high level of performance also draws on our excellent actuarial, loss modelling and wordings teams, whose skills inform every risk we underwrite.

Accident & Health >

Agriculture >

Aviation >

Casualty International Treaty >

Employers & Public Liability >

Energy >

Financial Lines >

Property Direct & Facultative >

Property Treaty >

Specialist Lines >